Mr. Yang Xingwen
Executive Director
Mr. Yang Xingwen was appointed as an Executive Director of the Company on 8 December 2015 appointed as the member of the Investment Committee of the Company on 26 June 2020. Mr. Yang graduated from Beijing Language and Literature Self-Study University (北京語言文學自修大學), with an associate degree in literature. He also studied at the Central Party School Correspondence College (中央黨校函授學院), majoring in economics, and obtained the professional title of economist. Mr. Yang has extensive financial and accounting experience, he is currently serving as the vice chairman of 大唐西市文化產業投資集團有限公司 and is in-charging of all financial matters of 大唐西市文化產業投資集團有限公司 and its subsidiaries. He is also a shareholder of 大唐西市文化產業投資集團有限公司. Mr. Yang began his career in Shaanxi province and previously held offices at Shaanxi Jia Xin Industry Group Company Limited (陝西佳鑫實業集團有限公司).